林宥成 助理教授


本實驗室遊走於機器學習、基因體、與口腔醫學的交界,但基本上我們每天做的就是把咖啡轉換成程式碼 😃

我們相信生物學的本質是「小」的科學,因此我們採行軟體設計的敏捷開發,整合「乾、濕」實驗,挖 掘生物新知








國立陽明交通大學牙醫學系助理教授2021 – 現今
LifeMine Therapeutics資料科學部門 – 基因體組資深計算生物學研究員2019 – 2021
新英格蘭實驗室研究部門博士後研究員2018 – 2019
以可解讀之深度學習解析口腔上皮鱗狀細胞癌之基因體主持人2022/8/1 – 2025/7/31國科會
口腔癌精準醫療先導型計畫協同主持人2022/7/1 – 2022/12/31衛福部



  1. Tsai F-T, Wang D-H, Yang C-C, Lin Y-C, Huang L-J, Tsai W-Y, Li C-W, Hsu W-E, Tu H-F & Hsu M-L (2022) Locational effects on oral microbiota among long-term care patients. Journal of Oral Microbiology, 14(1): 2033003.
  2. *Yang W, *Lin Y-C, Johnson W, Dai N, Vaisvila R, Weigele PR, Lee Y-J, Corrêa IR Jr, Schildkraut I & Ettwiller L (2021) A Genome-Phenome Association study in native microbiomes identifies a mechanism for cytosine modification in DNA and RNA. eLife, 10:e70021. *These authors contributed equally
  3. Lee Y-J, Dai N, Muller SI, Guan C, Parker MJ, Fraser ME, Walsh SE, Sridar J, Mulholland A, Nayak K, Sun Z, Lin Y-C, Comb DG, Marks K, Gonzalez R, Dowling DP, Bandarian V, Saleh L, Corrêa IR Jr & Weigele PR (2021) Pathways of thymidine hypermodification. Nucleic Acids Research.
  4. Baum C, Lin Y-C, Fomenkov A, Anton BP, Chen L, Yan B, Evans TC, Roberts RJ, Tolonen AC, Ettwiller L (2021) Rapid identification of methylase specificity (RIMS-seq) jointly identifies methylated motifs and generates shotgun sequencing of bacterial genomes. Nucleic Acids Research.
  5. Wang B, Lin Y-C, Vasquez-Rifo A, Jo J, Price-Whelan A, McDonald ST, Brown LM, Sieben C, Dietrich LEP (2021) Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 produces R-bodies, extendable protein polymers with roles in host colonization and virulence. Nature Communications, 12(1): 4613.
  6. Chen J-L, Lin Y-C, Fu H-Y, Yang C-S (2019) The Blue-Green Sensory Rhodopsin SRM from Haloarcula marismortui Attenuates Both Phototactic Responses Mediated by Sensory Rhodopsin I and II in Halobacterium salinarumScientific Reports 9: 5672.
  7. Lin Y-C, Cornell W-C, Jo J, Price-Whelan A, Dietrich LEP (2018) The Pseudomonas aeruginosa Complement of Lactate Dehydrogenases Enables Use of D- and L-Lactate and Metabolic Cross-Feeding. mBio 9: e00961-18.
  8. Lin Y-C, Sekedat MD, Cornell WC, Silva GM, Okegbe C, Price-Whelan A, Vogel C, Dietrich LEP (2018) Phenazines regulate Nap-dependent denitrification in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. J. Bacteriol., JB.00031-18.
  9. Fong JC, Rogers A, Michael AK, Parsley NC, Cornell W-C, Lin Y-C, Singh PK, Hartmann R, Drescher K, Vinogradov E, Dietrich LE, Partch CL, Yildiz FH (2017) Structural dynamics of RbmA governs plasticity of Vibrio cholerae biofilms. eLife, 6.
  10. Choi PH, Jo J, Lin Y-C, Lin M-H, Chou C-Y, Dietrich LEP, Tong L (2016) A distinct holoenzyme organization for two-subunit pyruvate carboxylase. Nat. Commun., 7, 12713.
  11. *Madsen JS, *Lin Y-C, *Squyres GR, Price-Whelan A, de Santiago Torio A, Song A, Cornell WC, Sørensen SJ, Xavier JB, Dietrich LEP (2015) Facultative control of matrix production optimizes competitive fitness in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 biofilm models. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 81(24), 8414–8426. *These authors contributed equally
  12. *Hölscher T, *Bartels B, *Lin Y-C, Gallegos-Monterrosa R, Price-Whelan A, Kolter R, Dietrich LEP, Kovács ÁT (2015) Motility, chemotaxis and aerotaxis contribute to competitiveness during bacterial pellicle biofilm development. J. Mol. Biol. doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2015.06.014 *These authors contributed equally
  13. Lin Y-C, Fu H-Y, Yang C-S (2010) Phototaxis of Haloarcula marismortui revealed through a novel microbial motion analysis algorithm. Photochem. Photobiol. 86(5):1084-90.
  14. Fu H-Y, Lin Y-C, Chang Y-N, Tseng H, Huang C-C, Liu K-C, Huang C-S, Su C-W, Weng RR, Lee Y-Y, Ng WV, Yang C-S (2010) A novel six-rhodopsin system in a single archaeon. J. Bacteriol. 192(22):5866-73.